Solstice Fly Fishing on the Mo

For the past 26 years, I’ve spent summer solstice fly fishing in Alaska.  I usually fish until midnight or later into the following day.  Daylight is not an issue.  This was my first summer solstice in Montana.  It gets dark around 10 pm, but that left enough time after work to get in some great evening fishing.


What a difference a day makes, or an hour, or even a moment.  So many bugs are hatching.  So many stages are available for the fish to eat.  Sometimes its mind numbing.  Sometimes it’s really basic.  I’ve had times recently where I’ve tried fly after fly and felt out of the game.  Then last night I tied one on and never looked in my box a second time.

trout on the mo 2

I was enjoying success with a new caddis pattern.  At the same time, Wayne Jordan was getting eats on his favorite PMD emerger. 


Two different flies.  Two different bugs.  Same stretch of water.  Both successful.  That does not always happen, but it was a Summer Solstice treat.


While an evening of solstice fishing on the Missouri River in Montana is very different than a solstice on the Kenai River in Alaska, I really enjoyed it.