Montana Trout Spey Clave 2017: April 14 & 15

We hear it time and time again when the uninitiated walk through the fly shop.  "Wow, those fly rods are really long.  What do you use those for?"  The short answer is, "Fly fishing with a two handed cast known as a spey cast."

At that point, some people wander on, but others are interested in more details.

Our Montana Trout Spey Clave was born to provide those details for those who want to know everything they can about spey as it pertains to the trout world.  Two handed casting and longer rods are not just for salmon and steelhead.  The techniques used in spey casting cross over to almost all aspects of fly fishing.

In recent years, fly line systems have been developed to provide anglers with the ability to spey cast with their single hand rods.  There are no longer any limits to hold anglers back from taking advantage of spey casting techniques.  At North 40, we’ve been passionate about spey casting for many years and we want to help share what we’ve learned and what drives us with everyone in the fly fishing community.

RSVP to our Facebook event by clicking here.

Last year, we talked with friends and associates in the fly fishing industry about supporting a Spey Clave in Montana and the response was just as we’d hoped.  Now we are back with Trout Spey Clave 2.0.

Trout Spey Clave is free and open to the public as well as all fly shops, employees and fly fishing guides.

We’ve got a great line up of presentations this year from industry leaders including Klaus Frimor, Brian Silvey, Mia Sheppard, Tom Larimer, Zach Willams, and Zack Dalton.

Manufacturers and reps from Loop, Winston, Sage/Rio, G Loomis, Echo, Simms and Patagonia will be on hand to showcase products and offer demos.  If you are into fly fishing and you want to mingle and learn from some of the best teachers in our sport, you won’t want to miss this event.

Where? On the Missouri River off Interstate 15 Exit 240 at Mid Canon FAS (Fishing Access Site)


Casting Clinic: Friday, April 14th from 3pm-5pm. 

This is a chance to come out and meet the pros for a Spey casting clinic. Participants will be divided into small groups between the instructors and you’ll learn from some of the best teachers with a two-handed rod in the world.  Bring your own tackle to dial it in or try a demo set up.  Please RSVP to make sure you get a spot.  Plan to show up in waders.

Day #2

The Main Event: Saturday, April 15 

Vendor set up will start at 9:00 am and we will have coffee, hot beverages and food available from the Waffle Wagon Food Truck. The presentation schedule will begin at 10:00 am and run at least until 5:00 pm.

Call us at 1-844-466-8440, or email for any questions.

Notes and Suggestions:

Last year, we had a snowstorm followed by a bluebird spring day.  Bring warm gear and sunscreen.  Montana spring weather is predictably unpredictable.  Bring a camp chair for relaxing by the river while watching the presentations. Bring waders if you want to participate in casting.  Bring a cooler with your beverages of choice to keep yourself hydrated and happy.

Food will be available at the Waffle Wagon.  There will be some choices you won’t want to miss including Biscuit Waffle topped with sausage gravy, Ham and Cheese stuffed hash brown waffle with herbed cream cheese, Belgian Waffle, Chicken and Waffles, Cornbread Waffle with oven fried chicken and beer cheese sauce and Waffle Chips with beer cheese sauce.

Camp sites are available at Mid Canon, but they fill up fast. There are other options up and down the river including Spite Hill, Mountain Palace, Prewit Creek and Pelican Point.  Lodgings are available around Craig, Cascade and of course Helena and Great Falls.  If you need any help, just give us a shout.